日喀則,西藏自治區下轄地級市,位于中華人民共和國西南邊陲,青藏高原西南部,西銜阿里地區、北靠那曲地區、東鄰拉薩市與山南地區,外與尼泊爾、不丹、印 度等國接壤,國境線長1753公里,國土面積18.2萬平方公里,平均海拔4000米以上。日喀則2014年人口72萬,轄1個市轄區和17個縣。日喀則 建城至今已有600多年的歷史,是西藏的第二大城市,是后藏曾經的政教中心,也是歷代班禪的駐錫之地。美麗旖旎的自然風光,獨具特色的后藏生活,日喀則被 譽為“最如意美好的莊園”,境內有“世界第一高峰”——珠穆朗瑪峰。
Xigaze, Tibet Autonomous Region under the jurisdiction of the prefecture
level city, located in the southwest border of the people's Republic of
China, southwest of Qinghai Tibet Plateau, West Title Ali area, north
by Nagqu Prefecture, east of Lhasa city and Shannan, and Nepal, Bhutan,
India China border, 1753 km length of the frontier, 18.2 million square
kilometres of land area, with an average elevation of 4000 meters above.
Shigatse 2014 population of 720 thousand, jurisdiction over 1 municipal
districts and 17 counties. Xigaze city built has had more than 600
years of history, is Tibet's second largest city, is used once the
political and religious center, is the previous panchens in tin to.
Beautiful charming natural scenery, unique characteristics of Tibetan
life, Xigaze is known as "the best beautiful manor, the territory of"
the world's first peak, Mount Everest.
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