林芝市是西藏自治區的一個地級市,古稱工布,“林芝”是藏文“尼池”或“娘池”音譯而來,藏語意為“娘氏家庭的寶座或太陽的寶座”。林芝市位于西藏自治區 東南部,地處北緯26°52′-30°40′,東經92°09′-98°47′之間,雅魯藏布江中下游,其西部和西南部分別與拉薩市、山南市相連,東部和 北部分別與昌都市、那曲地區相連,南部與印度、緬甸兩國接壤,被稱為西藏的江南,有世界上最深的峽谷——雅魯藏布江大峽谷。市政府駐巴宜區八一街道。
Linzhi city is a prefecture level city in Tibet Autonomous Region, the
ancient name of geotextile, Nyingchi is Tibetan, Nepalese pool "or"
Niang pool ", and, in Tibetan means" the throne of the mother's family
throne or the sun ". Linzhi city is located in the southeast of the
Tibet Autonomous Region, located in 26 degrees north latitude 52 '- 30
DEG to 40', 98 degrees east longitude 92 degrees 09 '47' between, the
middle and lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, the West and
southwest respectively and the city of Lhasa, Shannan, connected, East
and North, respectively, and Chang City, Nagqu area connected, bordering
the South and India, Myanmar, known as Tibet, south of the Yangtze
River, the world's deepest canyon, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon.
Eight one streets of the city government in pakistan.